Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen 2 (AS5404T)

File Transfer Performance

Using the USB port

File transfer performance is a very important metric of NAS devices. The first test used a large 4k movie file at 24.78GB. Transferring the file from an external USB drive to the internal NMVe SSD Volume took approximately 3 minutes and 11 seconds at a speed of 1Gbit. The time was virtually identical when copying the movie from the external USB drive to the RAID 5 SATA SSD Volume, at 3 minutes and 13 seconds.

The second round of testing involved transferring 3,100 photos, totaling 7.17GB. The transfer time from the external USB drive to the NVMe volume was 1 minute and 51 seconds, and the RAID 5 volume was 1 minute and 49 seconds.

Transfers between NAS Volumes

When moving files within the NAS, the story is different. Moving the same movie file from the NVMe Volume to the RAID 5 Volume took 1 minute and 45 seconds, while the opposite transfer took 1 minute and 52 seconds.

Moving the 3.100 photos from the NVMe Volume to the RAID 5 Volume took 27 seconds, and the reverse took only 22 seconds.


Volume 1 (Single NVMe SSD)

Volume 2 (4x SATA SSDs in RAID 5)

Throughput Test

Volume 1 (Single NVMe SSD)

Volume 2 (4x SATA SSDs in RAID 5)


Volume 1 (Single NVMe SSD)

Volume 2 (4x SATA SSDs in RAID 5)

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2 thoughts on “Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen 2 (AS5404T)

  1. You’re complaining about software??? It’s based on Linux so go complain to them about their lil OS kit that still has only 1/3 to 1/2 of a complete GUI when we’re almost 1/4 of the way through the 21rst century. I use my NAS for storage, not computing, not transcoding, just storage since that’s what it was intended to do, even says so in the dam name, Netwok Attached Storage or did you forget that lil acronym? You seem really concerned about the piece of cardboard the product came in, maybe you should do cardboard reviews only, dedicating an entire page of your review to a piece of cardboard that surrounds the product is just stupid it has nothing to do with performance which is why I came not to browse some anime gallery. Needless to say not impressed with your lil article and won’t be returning just not worth it with that type of content.

    1. Thanx for your comment. Any feedback is appreciated, but you are a bit over the edge, I think. By being ironic you don’t get anything. The reviewer added anything he believed it was worth to mention. If you dont like sth u could write it, in a formal way. It would have the same impact, believe me. Now, if u dont like the content, u are not obligated to stay or read anything in this site. There are countless other sites to visit, and might like your harsh comments as well, so feel free. I wish u the best.

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