Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen 2 (AS5404T)

Test System

NAS Configuration
Internal Disks  1x Samsung 960 EVO 500GB, 4x ADATA SU800 480GB
External Disk HDD Seagate 1TB Mobile in USB 3.0 enclosure
Firmware ADM 4.3.0.RSB1

This setup offers lower energy consumption, no noise from spinning drives, less heat dissipation, and lower weight if that’s important for you.

(2x) Desktop Computer with a 1Gbit ethernet connection.
(1x) Smart TV with PLEX with an ethernet connection.
(1x) iPhone XS connected over Wi-Fi


We conducted two types of tests to evaluate the system’s performance: file transfers and streaming/transcoding. For file transfers, we examined the speed of transferring large and small files within the NAS and using an external drive. In the streaming and transcoding tests, we focused on the system’s ability to deliver continuous media streams and convert media files in real-time. 

These tests are crucial for assessing the system’s performance in home environments or small offices because they directly reflect common usage scenarios. File transfer tests, which include evaluating the speed of transferring large and small files within the NAS and to an external drive, are essential for understanding the system’s efficiency in handling data backups, file sharing, and routine data management tasks. Streaming and transcoding tests are equally important, as they measure the system’s capability to deliver uninterrupted media streams and convert media files in real time, which is vital for activities like multimedia entertainment, remote work, and video conferencing. These tests comprehensively evaluate the system’s ability to handle typical workloads and ensure smooth, reliable performance in everyday use cases.

In addition, we developed a new piece of software to test the IOPS, throughput, and latency of the NAS. IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) measures the number of read/write operations a NAS can handle in a second, indicating its performance in handling small, random data requests. Throughput refers to the amount of data transferred per unit of time, showcasing the NAS’s capacity for sustained data transfer, while latency is the delay between a data request and its response, highlighting the system’s responsiveness.

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2 thoughts on “Asustor Nimbustor 4 Gen 2 (AS5404T)

  1. You’re complaining about software??? It’s based on Linux so go complain to them about their lil OS kit that still has only 1/3 to 1/2 of a complete GUI when we’re almost 1/4 of the way through the 21rst century. I use my NAS for storage, not computing, not transcoding, just storage since that’s what it was intended to do, even says so in the dam name, Netwok Attached Storage or did you forget that lil acronym? You seem really concerned about the piece of cardboard the product came in, maybe you should do cardboard reviews only, dedicating an entire page of your review to a piece of cardboard that surrounds the product is just stupid it has nothing to do with performance which is why I came not to browse some anime gallery. Needless to say not impressed with your lil article and won’t be returning just not worth it with that type of content.

    1. Thanx for your comment. Any feedback is appreciated, but you are a bit over the edge, I think. By being ironic you don’t get anything. The reviewer added anything he believed it was worth to mention. If you dont like sth u could write it, in a formal way. It would have the same impact, believe me. Now, if u dont like the content, u are not obligated to stay or read anything in this site. There are countless other sites to visit, and might like your harsh comments as well, so feel free. I wish u the best.

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