We are preparing our new laboratory, and this is an excellent opportunity to share some of my thoughts. Looking at all the trouble, the work,
Author: crmaris

Besides CapFrameX, I also have to make an application for Powenetics v2, which will cover all of our basic needs (and probably some more). There

The Corsair CX-M series was revamped in 2021, but so far, I didn’t manage to find the time to test any of its members. I

Most of you are probably aware of the newest ATX spec, v3.0, since it significantly changes all power supplies. Because of the PCIe 5.0 (12+4

In a recent video, I introduced an application that I wrote in C#, which utilizes Cybenetic’s entire PSU database to perform every possible query. But

Powenetics is a system allowing for full power measurements in almost every component. Since it was getting old and its installation was a hassle, we

The star of today’s review is the Creative Stage V2 soundbar and subwoofer combo with 160W peak power output. This is a budget sound system

What is Travel Insurance, and why might I need it? Should I think about it for a moment before rejecting it next time? All the

We have a saying in Greece, which I will try to translate into English: The outfit doesn’t make someone a priest. This means that even