Gamemax RGB-1050 Pro – 4.5 stars on Amazon!

Efficiency Normal, Light & Super-Light Loads

The PSU’s efficiency is high at normal loads and high enough at light and super-light loads.

Average Efficiency

The platform’s average efficiency is satisfactory at 115V, given that this is a Gold-rated unit. At 230V, things don’t look so good compared to other Gold-rated units.

Average PF

The APFC converter does a good job in general.

Average Efficiency 5VSB

The 5VSB rail is efficient at 115V, but its efficiency drops notably at 230V.

Vampire Power

Vampire power should be lower, especially at 230V.

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6 thoughts on “Gamemax RGB-1050 Pro – 4.5 stars on Amazon!

  1. It woulb be nice if you can review the top of the line version, their 1300W. At 149$ USD and with the look … many jump on it too with 6,862 review 4.5 Stars.

  2. I should point out that Gamemax has done promotions in the past where they would offer gift cards in exchange for five-star reviews on Amazon, which dampens their credibility somewhat. Also, given that Jiu Meng is the manufacturer behind Aresgame, if this is a sample from the company and not a unit you bought yourself I am doubtful that what a consumer would get would be the same as what is shown here. Regardless, it’s good to see that they are at least capable of making a good PSU. Thanks for the review as always!

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