The Resident Evil franchise is considered one of the best in its genre (survival horror) and one of the most successful games ever. So, it is reasonable that every tip or news item regarding its latest release keeps the gaming community on the run. Lately, there have been leaks about the upcoming Resident Evil 9 that were not so good. According to some rumors, its launch date might be postponed even until 2026. It seemed like Capcom couldn’t keep up with its annual release schedule for the game. But all of these things might not be the case anymore. If they ever were, of course.
According to Dusk Golem, one of the most well-regarded leakers (do not confuse it with lickers, fans) of the survival horror community, the series’ ninth installment is expected to be launched on schedule. That means 2025, even in January of the same year. Dusk Golem also noted that the game has developed since 2018 and would probably have been released as RE 8. Of course, as we all know, the Village was the “winner.” Can you imagine that 2018 RE 2-3-4-8 and 9 were under development simultaneously? Moreover, it is hard to guess what could go wrong that might affect the scheduled release so much. Things in the gaming industry are shifty, but Capcom rarely doesn’t keep up with its schedule. And seven long years is adequate time for development.

Resident Evil is one of Capcom’s best-selling and longest-lived titles, with a huge fanbase. So, it is a relief that everything goes according to plan for the latest series installment. For a while now, there have been unofficial rumors that RE 9 will be set in the future (Apocalypse) and will even adopt an open-world perspective. Nothing is confirmed yet so that nothing can be said for sure. The open-world case might sound interesting, but it may also be a bit strange for series fans. We shall see how Capcom will handle the “whole package.”
I have to admit that I am curious about this new Biohazard recipe. Experiments are either a success or a catastrophe. If the rumors are true, I hope Resident Evil 9 is a successful experiment. We hope for more official content for the game shortly, as Summer Game Fest is on its way, and the next big things in the gaming industry will be revealed. So, stay tuned!