Overall & Gaming Performance
Relative performance is not high. If you don’t need the strong iGPU, the 7800X3D is a no-brainer, costing 50-60 dollars more. Also, the older Ryzen 7 5700G is currently sold at $170, making a hell of a bargain at half the price of the 8700G, and you will save more money on the mainboard (AM4) and the DDR4 memory.
In gaming, the 780M iGPU looks weak compared to the beasty RTX 4090, but this doesn’t mean it isn’t strong enough for HD gaming, at medium details, even high at some older titles.
I think AMD should lower the price tag on the 8700G to make it more competitive. On the other hand, you get a pretty strong iGPU at that money, practically saving the money of a dedicated GPU.
Because of the increased cost of the iGPU, the 8700G doesn’t perform so well here. On the contrary, there is no competition here for the 7800X3D, which remains one of the best gaming CPUs.