Thermaltake Toughpower SFX(L) 1000W Gold PSU Review

Part Analysis

General Data
Manufacturer (OEM) HKC
PCB Type Double-Sided
Primary Side
Transient Filter 4x Y caps, 2x X caps, 3x CM chokes, 1x MOV
Inrush Protection NTC Thermistor & Relay
Bridge Rectifier(s)
2x GBU25KH (800V, 25A @ 90°C)
2x Lonten LSB65R070GF (650V, 30A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 0.07Ohm) &
CM03AX (reduce the no-load consumption)
APFC Boost Diode
1x CH3D16065I
Bulk Cap(s)
2x Nippon Chemi-Con (400V, 590uF & 390uF each or 980uF combined, 2,000h @ 105°C, KHE)
Main Switchers
2x Wayon WMK53N65F2 (650V, 26A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 0.078Ohm)
APFC Controller
Champion CM6502UHHX
Resonant Controller Champion CM6901X
Primary side: APFC, Half-Bridge & LLC converter
Secondary side: Synchronous Rectification & DC-DC converters
Secondary Side
+12V MOSFETs 8x Infineon ISC012N04LM6 (40V, 168A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 1.2mOhm)
5V & 3.3V DC-DC Converters: 4x Infineon Infineon ISC012N04LM6 (40V, 168A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 1.2mOhm)
PWM Controller(s): ANPEC APW7159C
Isolated Gate Driver Novosense NSi6602
Filtering Capacitors Electrolytic:
1x Nichicon (2-4,000h @ 105°C, HD),
1x Nippon Chemi-Con (5-6,000h @ 105°C, KZH)
2x Nippon Chemi-Con (4-10,000h @ 105°C, KY),
1x Nippon Chemi-Con (4-10,000h @ 105°C, KYA),
1x Rubycon (2-10,000h @ 105°C, YXF)Polymer:
11x Nippon Chemi-Con,
16x NIC
Supervisor IC INFSitronix IN1S429I (OCP, OVP, UVP, SCP, PG)
Fan Model Thermaltake (Hong Hua) HA1215H12SF-Z (120mm, 12V, 0.55A, Fluid Dynamic Bearing Fan)
5VSB Circuit
Infineon ICE5QR1680AG FET (800V, 5.8A, Rds(on): 1.75Ohm) &
Meraki-IC MK91736 FET
Standby PWM Controller Infineon ICE5QR1680AG

There is considerable debate about whether HKC or another OEM makes this unit. TT informed me that it is HKC for all Toughpower SFX models, but the smaller ones are identical to Gospower SFX models. This means that I will take TT’s word for this. Nonetheless, here is its complete part analysis, which is more important.

We have a half-bridge topology and an LLC resonant converter on the primary side. The secondary side employs a synchronous design for rectifying the 12V rail and a pair of DC-DC converters for the minor rails.

The primary heatsink is large, and there are no heatsinks on the secondary side since all 12V FETs are installed on the solder side of the PCB. The soldering quality is generally good, but I don’t like the PCB’s finish so much. Moreover, quality parts are used in most circuits, but I am not sure about the quality of the FETs on the primary side. I would prefer to see Infineon FETs used there, too.

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