DeepCool PN650M ATX v3.1 PSU Review

Part Analysis

General Data
Manufacturer (OEM) CWT
Platform Model GPX
PCB Type Double-Sided
Primary Side
Transient Filter 2x Y caps, 1x X caps, 2x CM chokes, 1x MOV, 1x CAP200DG (Discharge IC)
Inrush Protection NTC Thermistor SCK056 (5 Ohm @ 25°C) & Relay
Bridge Rectifier(s)
1x Yangjie Electronic GBU1506 (600V, 15A @ 100°C)
2x Way On WML25N50C4 (550V, 13A, Rds(on): 0.16Ohm) &
1x Champion CM03X FET (for reduced no-load consumption)
APFC Boost Diode
1x ST Micro Electronics STTH8S06 (600V, 8A)
Bulk Cap(s)
1x Nippon Chemi-Con (400V, 470uF, 2000h @ 100°C, KMW)
Main Switchers
4x Silan Microelectronics SVF13N50F (500V, 8.2A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 0.52Ohm)
APFC Controller
Champion 6500UNX
Resonant Controller Champion CM6901X
Primary side: APFC, Full-Bridge & LLC converter
Secondary side: Synchronous Rectification & DC-DC converters
Secondary Side
+12V MOSFETs 4x IPS 014N04SA
5V & 3.3V DC-DC Converters: 4x UBIQ QM3054M6 (30V, 97A @ 25°C, Rds(on): 4.8mOhm)
PWM Controller(s): ANPEC APW7159C
Filtering Capacitors Electrolytic: 15x Chengx (2,000 @ 105°C, GR)
Polymer: 27x FCAP
Supervisor IC IN1S429I – DCG
Fan Model MARTECH DF1202512SEHN (120mm, 12V, 0.42A, Rifle Bearing Fan)
5VSB Circuit
Standby PWM Controller Power Integrations TNY287PG

The OEM is Channel Well Technology (CWT), and the platform’s code name is GPX. I remember the GPX platform before the ATX v3.x era, primarily used in medium-price products. DeepCool was among the first to adopt this platform, which has been upgraded to support the challenging transient response scenarios of PCIe CEM 5.0 and 5.1 standards.

Some might wonder how a full-bridge platform can be less expensive than a half-bridge CSZ platform. Well, the answer is simple. CWT used four lower-quality FETs, which cost less than two high-quality ones, dropping the production cost. Moreover, in this unit, the fan is provided by a budget OEM, Martech, instead of the usual one that CWT has, Hong Hua.

While the FETs on the primary side are not up to Infineon’s quality, Chemi-Con, an excellent Japanese manufacturer, provides the bulk cap, which could have even lower capacity since the ATX v3.1 spec is looser on the hold-up time requirements. The caps on the secondary side are by Chengx, the electrolytic ones. For those skeptical about this manufacturer, it is one of the largest in China, making caps for all popular Japanese cap brands. Moreover, the PSU uses many polymer caps provided by FPCAP, a good brand, for ripple filtering.

My only objection to this unit is the Martech fan, which might use a rifle bearing but is still inferior to Hong Hua’s products. A simple fan change can bump the price by several dollars, though, which can affect the production cost notably. Only time will tell if this fan can outlive the long-provided warranty (ten years).

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