ADX FIREFIGHT CORE 23: An affordable 60% keyboard


As already stated, it is a 60% membrane keyboard with “red-type” switches. The feeling is OUTEMU-like, but I couldn’t find any official records. You understand it is a decent choice but not the best. The keys of ADX are pretty noisy for the “red type” level, as well. There weren’t many misclicks, but its performance was far from perfect. The keys response was decent, the same level as other decent cheap keyboards like Motospeed’s. But the space key is a foul. It doesn’t provide good feedback.

Moreover, Anti-Ghosting is not a strong point against OEM’s claims. They should try harder. Unfortunately, we should remove the Gaming title from the keyboard, especially if you are a competitive user. But I don’t think it would be your first choice, either.

The gaming experience is not a strong point, but typing was a pleasant surprise. The response is almost immediate (a typical matter of ms), and it didn’t tire me even after many hours of typing. It was pretty satisfying with a keyboard in this price range, especially compared to other cheap keyboards. Of course, it is not comparable to top keyboards, but it still surprised me. What troubles me is the key quality and general layout against the time. I have to note that it doesn’t seem fulfilling to me, especially if you are a hard-type user. In my experience, it wasn’t built to last for long. But this would depend on the user, as well. It is a decent cheap keyboard, but rather noisy and unsuitable for demanding gaming.


ADX FIREFIGHT CORE 23 is a decent keyboard, but it can’t meet eye-to-eye with the top-of-the-line-competition. It still manages to own its spot in the cheap keyboard market if you don’t have great expectations. If you are a demanding user, you should look for something else. Otherwise, if you need an attractive 60% keyboard that won’t disappoint you, including its price, then it might be worth considering.


Overall performance (considering the price): 6.5/10

Gaming performance: 5.5/10

Typing performance: 7.5/10

Fatigue: 8/10

Build quality: 6.5/10

RGB: 8.5/10

Noise: 5/10

Feedback: 6/10

Extra features: –

Value For Money: 7/10

  • Affordable
  • Decent typing experience
  • Discreet RGB lighting
  • Build quality
  • Gaming performance
  • Noise


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One thought on “ADX FIREFIGHT CORE 23: An affordable 60% keyboard

  1. Recently, this keyboard changed the name that is sold at my country. The name now is ADX Firefight ADXK11P23K (the product that I reviewed). Keyboards with the same name that are sold as Core 23 seem like different layout membrane keyboards, although they look similar in appearance.

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