Arctic P14 PWM PST 140mm Fan Review

Frequency Plots

25% Fan Speed

The dominant frequencies are at 315Hz and 400Hz.

50% Fan Speed

The highest spike is at 400 Hz, but I also noticed a notable one at 80 Hz.

70% Fan Speed

I noticed increased noise at 70% (27.7 dBA vs 25.3 dBA at 75%), so I conducted a frequency analysis. The highest frequencies are at 315 Hz and 400 Hz.

75% Fan Speed

400 Hz and 800 Hz are the peaks here.

100% Fan Speed

At full speed, the highest frequency, with a difference that is not so high as the adjustment ones, is 800 Hz.

Signal Recordings

I have recorded the signals shown above, but please keep in mind that I’ve enabled Automatic Gain Control (AGC) to do so to make it easier for you to reproduce them. The provided recordings are only offered for aural identification purposes.

25% Fan Speed

50% Fan Speed

70% Fan Speed

75% Fan Speed

100% Fan Speed


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4 thoughts on “Arctic P14 PWM PST 140mm Fan Review

  1. Great review as always, thanx
    One small typo on the 2nd site, last sentence. There should be superior.
    …not the 1st typo in this exact word … I have two guesses for the reason:
    1st: superior in Greek = ανώτερος [anóteros] …phonetically close prefix an ≈ in…. or
    2nd: you work too hard (almost every day one YouTube video and one review + other activities) … you should rest more, not just work … in Slovakia we have a saying… work is not a rabbit, it will not run away, it will wait at you … 😊

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