Arctic P14 PWM PST 140mm Fan Review

Performance – Max & Speed Percentage

Max RPM, CFM, Pressure & Power

The fan’s maximum speed is higher than the DBB model’s, so the performance is slightly increased.

10 – 100% Fan Speed Percentage

Since most fan control ICs don’t apply precisely the percentage of RPM speed that you want (e.g., 50% PWM for a 2000 RPM fan should be 1000 RPM), I used to find the fan’s maximum speed and then dial directly the fan speeds that corresponded to 10%, 20%, and so on of its maximum rated speed. I decided to stop doing that. So from now on, in all of my fan evaluations, I will dial the corresponding PWM value in 10% steps to also check how accurate its fan controller is and for my noise results to align with the airflow and static pressure results from the Longwin apparatus where I don’t use RPM but PWM control for all testing.

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4 thoughts on “Arctic P14 PWM PST 140mm Fan Review

  1. Great review as always, thanx
    One small typo on the 2nd site, last sentence. There should be superior.
    …not the 1st typo in this exact word … I have two guesses for the reason:
    1st: superior in Greek = ανώτερος [anóteros] …phonetically close prefix an ≈ in…. or
    2nd: you work too hard (almost every day one YouTube video and one review + other activities) … you should rest more, not just work … in Slovakia we have a saying… work is not a rabbit, it will not run away, it will wait at you … 😊

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