Seasonic Prime PX-1600 ATX v3.0 PSU Review

Efficiency Normal, Light & Super-Light Loads

Efficiency is high with normal loads, where, as expected, the TX-1600 has the lead, but not by a considerable margin. At light and super-light loads, the PX-1600 shames the TX-1600. Tuning the latter to achieve Titanium efficiency in 80 Plus affected efficiency at light loads. This is why the Cybenetics scheme should be preferred. Thanks to the more than 1450 different load combinations used to calculate the average efficiency score, it can accurately show a unit’s efficiency map.

Average Efficiency

The average efficiency meets eye-to-eye with several Titanium units but stays behind the TX-1600.

Average PF

The APFC converter performs a little better than the TX-1600 unit but still needs tuning.

Average Efficiency 5VSB

The 5VSB rail is highly efficient.

Vampire Power

Vampire power is low at 115V, but I want to see below 0.1W at 230V.

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5 thoughts on “Seasonic Prime PX-1600 ATX v3.0 PSU Review

  1. Based on your suggestions bought the PX-1600. Amazing quality and cables are braided. Saved around 130 USD compared to the TX version.
    I am using on a 220v socket so efficiency must be even better.

  2. Ok, thanks for replying crmaris. I’ve had good experience with Seasonic so far & their Prime range so I’ll stick with them, thanks again for your time & in-depth reviews.

  3. Hi crmaris, thanks for your reviews on the TX & this PX, awesome job.

    Are these cons significant enough to deter someone like yourself from buying one?
    Have you tested/reviewed a better high end alternative or more simply, which PSU in the 1300W+ category would be your go to right now?

    1. Hi! So far there isn’t any better choice in the ATX v3.0 and >1500W capacity. I haven’t tested something better. The Corsair AX1600i has higher overall performance but it isn’t ATX v3.0 compatible

  4. Very extensive review. I have the old Prime PX-1300 that has the 12v sense defect. I disconnected the wire and the PSU hasn’t turned off abnormally since when overclocking my 7900 XTX. My next PSU will definitely be ATX 3.0-compatible but I don’t think I need a new one, especially considering the limited choices now. I hope Corsair will update the AX1600i soon but I bet it will cost an arm and a leg.

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