Seasonic Focus GX-750 V4 ATX v3.1 PSU Review

Transient Response

20% Load – 20ms

Advanced Transient Response 20% - 50 Hz - No Caps
Voltage Before After Change Pass/Fail
12V 12.077V 11.897V 1.49% Pass
5V 5.011V 4.932V 1.57% Pass
3.3V 3.325V 3.198V 3.81% Pass
5VSB 5.006V 4.951V 1.10% Pass

50% Load -20ms

Advanced Transient Response 50% - 50 Hz - No Caps
Voltage Before After Change Pass/Fail
12V 12.069V 11.941V 1.06% Pass
5V 5.005V 4.923V 1.64% Pass
3.3V 3.317V 3.183V 4.04% Pass
5VSB 4.961V 4.912V 0.99% Pass

The transient response is satisfactory at 12V, for the category’s standards, and pretty good at 5V, but it needs to get tighter at 3.3V to prevent the voltage level from dropping below 3.2V.

Transient Response ATX v3.1 Tests

The PSU passes all ATX v3.1 transient response tests, but the 12V drops low.

The 12V rail doesn’t perform well, dropping low on all tests.

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14 thoughts on “Seasonic Focus GX-750 V4 ATX v3.1 PSU Review

  1. Hello.
    I see that inrush current is almost 200A at 230V… is that real? Would this much power trip circuit breakers in the house or damage anything?
    Is this PSU safe to use? I have it but now im scared to turn it on…

      1. Thank you for your fast response.
        Does this high inrush current do anything to the lifespan of the PSU or PC?
        I usually power off the PSU at night and power on in the morning to avoid the bright LED lights in my room and now im worried.
        I wish i read your review on this PSU before i bought it. Im very disappointed in Seasonic.

        1. It is hard to drain the APFC bulk caps completely. We follow a special procedure to do so. But yeah, they could use a larger NTC thermistor to lower it because we also have Murphy’s laws.

  2. Hi
    What about SeaSonic Focus GX-750 ATX2 version?
    Does it also have those issues mentioned in the cons section?
    And those listed as cons can be damaging the other parts of the system?

  3. Thank you for the review. You have helped me find good series of Kolink PSUs which have been proving good for the price. Fractal seems to be a very good alternative to Corsair, for similar prices.

    I have been keeping away from Seasonic units due to lack of protection features.

    I had both S12-IIs and M12-IIs (two units each) that only had a simple form of SCP protection. If there is any resistance in the path (as in a broken MOSFET), it will keep draining until one of this happens:

    – Something blows up due to melting/burning shorted component.
    – The PSU shuts down due to undervoltage protections (which from reviews of this platform seem to be set way too low).

    Despite this, Seasonic claims that all protections work despite multiple of evidence from reviews that this platform was broken.
    This was 10y ago and it has cost me hardware that was plugged into the damaged parts (which I didn’t knew had failed). A shame because otherwise they are very reliable, mostly silent PSUs.

    You especially cannot run Seasonic PSUs unattended, as many models have proven to be a fire hazard due to non-functioning ATX protections like described in this review. Stay away!

    1. Forgot to add that I had a 3rd Seasonic made XFX Core PSU that had the same issues. So, that is quite the track record of not doing QC properly.

  4. Any news about the 750w protection features?

    I think you were right and a lot of people who read your review are wondering if the retail 750w model should be considered when making a purchase.

    Thanks a lot for all the amazing work.

  5. Would you consider testing the Super Flower Zillion FG ATX3.1/PCIe 5.0 power supplies? I’ve recently stumbled across them as they are currently on sale and was wondering if they were good.

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