darkFlash UPMOST 1250W ATX v3.0 PSU Review

Part Analysis

General Data
PCB Type Double-Sided
Primary Side
Transient Filter 4x Y caps, 2x X caps, 2x CM chokes, 1x MOV
Inrush Protection 1x NTC Thermistor & Relay
Bridge Rectifier(s)
2x GBU25M (1000V, 25A @ 60°C)
3x Sanrise SRC60R090B (600V, 17.8A @ 125°C, Rds(on): 90mOhm)
APFC Boost Diode
2x Global Power G3S06506D (650V, 6A @ 159°C)
Bulk Cap(s)
1x Nippon Chemi-con (420V, 1150uF, 2,000h @ 105°C, KHE)
Main Switchers
2x Sanrise SRC60R068BS (600V, 21.5A @ 125°C, Rds(on): 68mOhm)
Resonant Controller
Monolithic Power HR1213
APFC Controller
Infineon ICE2PCS01
Primary side: APFC, Half-Bridge & LLC converter
Secondary side: Synchronous Rectification & DC-DC converters
Secondary Side
+12V MOSFETs 8x Alpha & Omega AON6152A (45V, 100A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 1.15mOhm)
5V & 3.3V DC-DC Converters:  4x Alpha & Omega AON6512 (30V, 130A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 1.7mOhm)
PWM Controller(s): ANPEC APW7159A
Filtering Capacitors Electrolytic:
3x Nippon Chemic-con (105°C, W)
1x Nippon Chemic-con (2-5,000h @ 105°C, KZE)
1x Nippon Chemic-con (5-6,000h @ 105°C, KZH)
1x Nippon Chemic-con (4-10,000h @ 105°C, KY)
Polymer: 20x Nippon Chemic-con,   1x
Fan Model Hong Hua HA1225M12F-Z (125mm, 12V, 0.45A, Fluid Dynamic Bearing Fan)
Standby PWM Controller Xuanyan XY6115

A promising new OEM, Zhong Yuan Power, provides the platform. The PCB is tiny and overloaded with parts, especially on the secondary side. The good thing is that the electrolytic and polymer filtering caps on the secondary side have a clear path to the fan’s airflow, so I wouldn’t worry much about their reliability through time and under harsh conditions.

The unit’s main transformer is tiny, and right next to it resides the resonant tank and the capacitive part of the LLC resonant converter. Besides the aforementioned converter, the platform uses a half-bridge topology on the primary side and a synchronous rectification scheme on the secondary side, with eight FETs regulating the 12V rail and two DC-DC converters generating the minor rails. All capacitors are from good manufacturers, while the FETs on the primary side are from a less-known manufacturer. Lastly, the cooling fan is by Hong Hua, so it is of high enough quality.

The soldering quality is decent, and there is little to see on the PCB’s solder side since all major parts are installed on its business side. It is interesting to see a fresh platform by a new OEM entering the high-capacity PSU market, and probably other OEMs will use this platform as well, given that it is priced well and its performance and reliability are high enough.

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3 thoughts on “darkFlash UPMOST 1250W ATX v3.0 PSU Review

    It’s nice to see that there is so much optimism and imagination around.
    This should lead to improvement.

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