Blitzwolf BW-CP1 600W Review – The 30-dollar PSU That Survived my Tests!

Box & Bundle

The box doesn’t use fancy graphics, just a white and green combination. At its internals, the PSU is protected by bubble wrap, which is insufficient for harsh shipping conditions, but package foam would increase the price. The bundle only includes the user’s manual and the AC power cord.

Product Photos

The fan grille looks nice, and it allows for good airflow. On the other hand, the fixed cables, from which only the ATX one is sleeved, depict the unit’s price low price tag.


Captive Cables
Description Cable Count Connector Count (Total) Gauge In Cable Capacitors
ATX connector 20+4 pin (520mm) 1 1 18-22AWG No
4+4 pin EPS12V (700mm+100mm) 1 2 18AWG No
6+2 pin PCIe (530mm+150mm) 1 2 18AWG No
SATA (500mm+150mm) / 4-pin Molex (+150mm) 2 4 18AWG No
Modular Cables
AC Power Cord (1340mm) – C13 coupler 1 1 18AWG

There are two EPS connectors on a single cable, which, to make matters worse, uses the standard gauges instead of thicker ones up to the first connector. In any case, you won’t be able to fully load EPS connectors, given the unit’s low overall capacity. Two PCIe connectors are also installed on a single cable, and the peripheral connectors are on two cables, having enough distance between them. The provided connectors are sufficient for a PSU of this price tag and with no modular cables.

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2 thoughts on “Blitzwolf BW-CP1 600W Review – The 30-dollar PSU That Survived my Tests!

  1. In the pro and cons section you mention that it has both high build quality and low build quality. which one is it?

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