World’s First Experiment: Scientists Utilize Magnetic Fields to “Remote-Control” Mice


This new approach leverages magnetic fields and magnetized nanoparticles, selectively activating targeted brain circuits. Wireless mid control!

Imagine being able to control the minds of ANYONE with a magnetic field. IBS researchers in Korea did exactly this. (Aris note: to control someone’s mind, you have to assume first that he/she has one!)

They created Nano-MIND technology, which stands for Magnetogenetic Interface for NeuroDynamics, using nanoparticles and magnetic fields. Nano-MIND offers a non-invasive alternative, allowing researchers to remotely activate specific neural circuits without the need for electrodes or invasive surgeries. This breakthrough means that the behavior of lab animals can be controlled with a simple, harmless magnetic pulse.

The secret is genetic engineering to embed ion channels in specific nerve cells. When the magnetic field is activated, the nanoparticles in these areas activate the ion channels, changing the animals’ behavior.

The technology to remotely control the brain, whether of mice or other creatures, has the potential to impact the treatment of neurological disorders significantly. It could revolutionize our understanding of brain functions and open new avenues for the development of artificial neural networks. This nanotechnology could one day be used in humans to improve mental health and treat neurological diseases, or who knows what else.

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