Normalized Noise Tests
For these tests, I set the cooler’s fan(s) to speeds with noise output at the following predefined levels: 20/25/30/35/40 dBA. I skip the corresponding tests if the cooler’s fan(s) cannot reach some noise levels. Finally, I include a test where the cooler’s fan(s) spins at full speed.
I provided the PWM controller’s readings in this chart, taken by all fans using the provided Y splitter.
CPU Temperature
Not a good performance overall, losing to all other AIOs I tested so far. At 20 dBA, the temperature difference with the Cooler Master MA824 is close to 3.5 degrees only!
CPU Frequency
Only in the last test, at full fan speed, does it take the lead from the Cooler Master Atmos, which is notably quieter, though, hence its fan spin at lower RPM.
CPU Wattage
Above 350W CPU Wattage on all tests.
Cooler Exhaust Temperature
I measure the temperature at the radiator’s exhaust side in AIOs.