Corsair iCUE LINK RX120 RGB 120mm Fan Review

Longwin Charts

20-100% PWM Duty Cycle Combined Graphs

30-100% PWM Duty Cycle Separate Graphs

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4 thoughts on “Corsair iCUE LINK RX120 RGB 120mm Fan Review

  1. Hello,

    Thx for the review !!

    Do you plan to review the recently launched RX120 MAX RGB? If so, could you let me know when it’s scheduled?

  2. Proprietary connections with need of a special SW (this fan), proprietary fan connections (BQ DR Elite) with special adjusted form factor of the fans (BQ DR Elite, CM MA824 Stealth & Assassin IV) that you cannot even buy from the manufacturer, and you have to look for it on AliExpress… And people think… what an “exclusive solution” …exclusive doesn’t mean something is “cool”, but the exclusion of other options, solutions, and replacements … and people are even willing to pay more for such an “exclusivity” … when the Apple can profit on it, why wouldn’t others try the same recipe.

    …sorry for grumbling, but I can help myself 😊, …by the way great review as usual.

    I hope that other manufacturer will not “applemimic” themselves and will not jump on the “great ship of exclusivity” and proprietary environment.

    1. True, exclusive parts or connectors are not always good, especially when we are talking about fans. Corsair’s idea on the Link is good, but other brands won’t follow it, so it is only for Corsair products, which are expensive (but of good quality at least).

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