be quiet! Light Wings 140mm PWM Fan Review

Advertised Vs. Real Performance

This is probably the most crucial page, showing how accurate is the data provided by the manufacturers/brands on their products. Since nobody so far could verify these numbers, it was an open field for every brand to declare whatever it wanted, but this stops now.

Advertised Vs. Real Performance:
  • Max Speed (RPM): 1500/ 1568
  • Max Input Current (A): 0.08 / 0.09
  • Max Power (W): 0.96 / 1.12
  • Qmax (CFM): 56 / 60.6
  • Pmax (mmAq): 1.49 / 1.34
  • Max Noise Level (dBA): 23.3 / 26.1

The claimed airflow is 8.2% higher than the claimed performance. The claimed static pressure is far from the true one, with a 10.07% difference. The same goes for the maximum noise output, where I measured 2.8 dBA higher. For the record, a 3 dB difference means double the energy level, but in reality, a 3 dB change is around a 23% increase in perceived loudness. That said, still be quiet! is among the very few brands being so close in the reported noise measurements! So far, I rarely find a below 3 dBA noise measurement deviation between the real and advertised reading, with the deviations in several cases exceeding 6 dBA.

There are specific guidelines for taking noise measurements in information technology and telecommunications equipment (ISO7779: 2018), which I follow strictly.

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