be quiet! Light Wings 140mm PWM Fan Review


I don’t have many 140mm fans in my database since I focused on 120mm ones first, which are more popular. But give me some time, and I will have a full database for every possible diameter. It is not only to test the fans on the Longwin machine; this is easy since the whole procedure is almost fully automatic, but the most painful part is to perform a full noise analysis on each one of them. I have to stay late, after midnight and up to the early hours in many cases, to perform noise analysis on fans, which requires the best that my hemi-anechoic chamber can achieve, slightly below 6 dBA noise floor, for highly accurate measurements. Most fans in the open air are dead silent at up to 800 RPM, and given that I follow the corresponding ISO guidelines, taking measurements from one meter away, I need a dead silent environment, even with my fortified chamber.

The Light Wings 140mm is as be quiet! describes it: the ideal fan for chassis use if you want ARGB lighting and quiet operation. If you want a fan with high static pressure for use on cooling solutions, this is not the best fan you can get since it is mostly optimized for airflow. In the 25 dBA normalized noise test, it loses to the Cooler Master MASTERFAN MF140 Halo2 in static pressure, although it achieves a notable higher airflow. That said, at 20 dBA, the Light Wings fan destroys the MF140 in both airflow and static pressure.

My major complaint with this fan is the lack of a daisy chain option in the power connection, besides the ARGB lighting. If you use several of these fans in your chassis, you should have a PWM/RGB hub. Unfortunately, the provided hub in the triple-pack kit is only for the ARGB lighting. Currently, this kit is sold at $79.5 on Amazon, while the high-speed triple-pack kit goes for ten dollars more.





  • Good build quality
  • Noise-optimized fan blades
  • Good airflow (for its speed)
  • PWM control
  • Wide enough fan speed control range (300-1500RPM)
  • Rubber dampers for lower noise output
  • 20 LED ARGB lighting
  • ARGB hub provided with the triple-pack
  • No daisy chain for power (only for ARGB)
  • Not high enough static pressure for strong cooling solutions


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