XPG Invader X BTF Case Review: Thermal & Noise Damping/Output Evaluation

Noise Damping Results

The Invader X BTF comes with five pre-installed fans. Four are reverse-blade, and one (the rear exhaust) is normal.

Noise Output All Frequencies – LAeq/LZeq

Noise Damping Performance All Frequencies – LAeq/LZeq

Noise Damping Performance Chirp/Pink Noise – LAeq/LZeq

Comparison Graphs

Noise Output All Frequencies – LAeq/LZeq

Noise Damping Performance All Frequencies – LAeq/LZeq

Noise Damping Performance Chirp/Pink Noise – LAeq/LZeq

The Noise Damping is not so good regarding Chirp and Pink Noise, even compared to last years Invader X non-BTF variant.

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