Corsair 6500X Case Review: Thermal & Noise Damping/Output Evaluation

Thermal Performance – Noise Normalized 25 dBA

IDLE Thermal Results

I really don’t know why we keep on measuring/showing IDLE temperatures (Aris note).

Torture (Prime95 + Furmark) Thermal Results

Only the mainboard’s VRMs have increased temperatures, and the PSU also has increased output temperature. The CPU and GPU temperatures are low.

Gaming Results

Again, the CPU and GPU temperatures are good.

CPU & GPU Average Clock Frequencies

We have to look at the average CPU and GPU clocks to get a complete picture since higher clocks mean more thermal load, which pushes the cooling system more. If we have two cooling systems with only a 1-2 degrees Celsius difference and a 100-200 MHz difference in the clock speeds of the CPU or the GPU, it is easy to find the best performer.

In the torture and gaming tests, the average CPU and GPU temperatures are high enough but not among the highest.

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2 thoughts on “Corsair 6500X Case Review: Thermal & Noise Damping/Output Evaluation

  1. What about the top and side panels coming warped out of the box ? And the awful filter material inside the side panel which can easily come loose. The mediocre cable management (having to buy straps), no support holder for PSU, no removable top rad bracket and almost no offset so eps cables a challenge when mounting AIO. Also the incredible weight. Antec c8 and others are built better and better value.

    1. We didn’t face any issues with the top and side panels; otherwise, we would have written about it. I will also pass your comment about the side panel material to the reviewer to comment if he wants.

      No support holder for the PSU? I didn’t understand that.
      When mounting a top AIO most cases have an issue with the EPS cables, some even without a top-mounted AIO.

      We will do more case reviews in the near future and will have more comparison data.

      Thank you for your comments!

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