be quiet! Dark Base Pro 901 Case Review: Thermal & Noise Damping/Output Evaluation

Thermal Performance – Noise Normalized Full Fan Speed

IDLE Thermal Results

Torture (Prime95 + Furmark) Thermal Results

The high fan speeds help lower the CPU’s temperature, but the GPU has the highest temperature among all other cases.

Gaming Results

The GPU’s temperature is still the highest.

CPU & GPU Average Clock Frequencies

We have to look at the average CPU and GPU clocks to have the complete picture since higher clocks mean more thermal load, which pushes the cooling system more. If we have two cooling systems with only a 1-2 degrees Celsius difference and a 100-200 MHz difference in the clock speeds of the CPU or the GPU, it is easy to find the best performer.

The GPU’s frequencies are mostly affected.

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4 thoughts on “be quiet! Dark Base Pro 901 Case Review: Thermal & Noise Damping/Output Evaluation

  1. Thorough, spot on review, as usual. Every review I’ve seen on this site so far is superb, even preferable to most found on some of the more ubiquitous sites.

    This flagship Dark Base chassis from beQuiet!, even if a tad pricey, is likely their best, & one of the best on the market. The only disappointment (for me), is unlike their Silent Base & Pure Base series chasses, the Dark Base has no choice for a solid, non tempered glass solid side panel. While said choice is important to some, for most its a non-issue.

  2. It would be good to have a section on memory cooling as well. Heavy memory OC is greatly affected when temps get too high.

  3. While it will add more time to the review process, I think it would be great if you could add a section for noise normalized and fan normalized measurements. I imagine a 1 front intake and 1 exhaust 120mm fan would be suitable for 90% of cases while providing good data for those who plan to use aftermarket fans.

    1. Thank you for your suggestions! Noise normalized, I do already, using the fans of the chassis. Fan normalized is a huge pain for me. Only if I find someone here to completely handle chassis since they are killing me.

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