Quick Tips#9: Fix Edge, the easy way

Microsoft Edge is the successor of Microsoft’s Internet Explorer. You remember it, right? The browser which we all used for downloading another browser? Yes, that one. But Edge is not as bad as its predecessor. To be honest, is one of the best browsers, at this moment. Especially, eversince adopted Chromium and became Chromium Edge. Some of us, might even use it as our primary browser.

But sometimes, Edge might get corrupted or irresponsive. Usually after an update or even malware. If malware is not the case, in this article I will show you how to fix Chromium Edge, the easy way.

How to

Press on your keyboard Windows key and R, together.

This will bring up the “Run” command and type cmd.

Command prompt will appear.

Type sfc/ scannow.

Press Enter and wait for System File Checker to finish its task. Hopefully, would find some integrity issues and would fix them.

After that, try to run Edge. If the issue persists then open Microsoft Store and try to redownload it.

Chromium Edge Logo

That’s it. After Microsoft’s Store redownloading, Edge should be fixed. If you wish, you could try to clear cache or use Microsoft’s integrated fixes. But in my experience, most of the time, MS solutions won’t help you in this situation. Now, you are ready to start browsing again, like a pro.

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