Thermaltake Toughpower GF A3 750W ATX v3.1 PSU Review – Silent Platform Change, Messy Protection Features & Fake 80 Plus Badge

Average Noise

The PSU’s average noise output is notably lower than the HKC model’s, but it is also better to look at the noise maps.

Fan Noise & Speed Maps @ 28-32 °C – 115V

The semi-passive mode lasts long enough, but there are areas within this operation region where the fan’s speed goes wild. This can be very annoying, as the fan starts up and spins at high speeds for a short period to remove the heat. The 30 dBA mark is passed at around 545W, and the PSU’s noise exceeds 35 dBA at 635W, at 12V.

Fan Noise & Speed Maps @ 28-32 °C – 230V

At 230V, the fan’s wild operation at light loads lasts longer. The 30 dBA mark is passed at 520W, and noise goes over 35 dBA once the load at 12V exceeds 600W.

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4 thoughts on “Thermaltake Toughpower GF A3 750W ATX v3.1 PSU Review – Silent Platform Change, Messy Protection Features & Fake 80 Plus Badge

  1. —“… a brand changes OEMs without changing the product’s name or providing some information on the box to help buyers distinguish the different versions.”

    Aris, is there at least some info on the outside of the unit when it’s not on the box?
    If not, that’s pretty rude 😈

  2. Totally blasted the Thermaltake Toughpower GF A3 750W ATX v3.1, but that’s fair enough.
    Failure to style by TT.

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