MSI MPG A850GS PCIE5 ATX v3.1 PSU Review

Part Analysis

General Data
Manufacturer (OEM) CWT
Platform CTE
PCB Type Double-Sided
Primary Side
Transient Filter 4x Y caps, 2x X caps, 2x CM chokes, 1x MOV
Inrush Protection 1x NTC Thermistor SCK207R0 (7 Ohm) & Relay
Bridge Rectifier(s)
2x GBJ1506 (600V, 15A @ 100°C)
2x Vishay SiHA105N60EF (600V, 8A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 0.102Ohm)
APFC Boost Diode
1x Vishay VS-3C10ET07T-M3 (650V, 10A @ 140°C)
Bulk Cap(s)
1x Rubycon (420V, 820uF, 2,000h @ 105°C, MXE)
Main Switchers
2x STMicroelectronics STF33N60DM2 (650V, 15.5A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 0.130Ohm)
PFC / PWM Combo Controller MPS HR1280
Topology Primary side: Semi-Digital, APFC, Half-Bridge & LLC Resonant Converter
Secondary side: Synchronous Rectification & DC-DC converters
Secondary Side
+12V MOSFETs 6x On Semiconductor NTMFS5C430N (40V, 131A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 1.7mOhm)
5V & 3.3V DC-DC Converters: 2x UBIQ QM3054M6 (30V, 61A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 4.8mOhm) &
2x UBIQ QN3107M6N (30V, 70A @ 100°C, Rds(on): 2.6mOhm)
Filtering Capacitors Electrolytic:
2x Nippon Chemi-Con (@ 105°C, W)
2x Nippon Chemi-Con (2-5,000h @ 105°C, KZE),
2x Rubycon (3-6,000h @ 105°C, YXS)
1x Rubycon (6-10,000h @ 105°C, ZLH)
Polymer: 2x Nippon Chemi-Con, 23x FPCAP
Supervisor IC
Fan Controller Nuvoton MS51FB9AE
Fan Model ZIC ZFF132512H BAX3 (135mm, 12V, 0.45A, Fluid Dynamic Bearing Fan)
5VSB Circuit
1x Dongke Semiconductor DK5V45R10S (45V, 10A)
Standby PWM Controller On Bright OB2365T

The compact PCB has large enough heatsinks not to stress the active cooling, since the platform’s efficiency is Gold and not Platinum or Titanium, so thermal losses will be significant at high loads. This is the CTE platform by CWT, which uses a digital combo PFC/LLC resonant controller provided by MPS. This means that the design is semi-digital since a digital controller controls the primary side and a part of the secondary. We would have a fully digital platform if the VRMs generating the minor rails and the 5VSB circuit were also digitally controlled. But guess what? This would increase the cost, and most likely, no one would want to pay above 200 dollars for a 1000W Gold PSU.

The 12V FETs are installed on the main PCB’s top side, and some heatsinks on top cool them down. The 12V FETs are close to the main transformer to minimize energy losses, and the VRMs generating the minor rails are nearby for the same reason. CWT used high-quality parts, including top-notch FETs and capacitors, to increase the platform’s reliability and performance. In the sample I got, the soldering quality was mediocre to ba,d though, in some parts. This is typical for pre-production samples, where many soldering jobs are hand-made. I will ask MSI to send me the final production products so I can check on the soldering quality!

The cooling fan is made by ZETA, which looks to be a worthy opponent for Hong Hua, which has dominated the market for the last few years. It uses a fluid dynamic bearing for increased reliability and lower noise output. I noticed some bearing noise at low speeds (200-400 RPM), and the fan started from 400 RPM in my tests. It would be ideal if MSI started the fan from 500 RPM, where the bearing noise is minimized. To give you an idea, at 400 RPM, the fan’s noise is 12.1 dBA at a 1-meter distance, while at 500 RPM, the noise is at 10.8 dBA at the same distance. This most likely will pass unnoticed by most users.

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5 thoughts on “MSI MPG A850GS PCIE5 ATX v3.1 PSU Review

  1. Hey Aris,

    Would you go with this or the Asrock PG 850w? CWT has been a reliable OEM but unsure about FSP and Asrock. Thanks!

  2. Aris do you have any info for upcoming Ocypus ATX PSU, did they send you sample for Cybenetics certifications ?

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