Montech Titan PLA 1200W ATX v3.1 PSU Review

Average Noise

The PSU’s average noise output is not high, but as you can see the Vertex PX-1200 has a more relaxed fan speed profile.

Fan Noise & Speed Maps @ 28-32 °C – 115V

The semi-passive mode doesn’t last long, being restricted to a small region of the PSU’s operation map, with the load on the minor rails ranging from 60 to 80W and the 12V load up to around 240W. With an increased load on the minor rails above 95W, the fan’s speed enters the 25-30 dBA range, even with a minor load at 12V. At up to 780W at 12V, the noise output remains below 25 dBA, while the 30 dBA mark is passed at 950W (at 12V). All in all, the fan speed profile is not aggressively tuned, but it could have more variations.

Fan Noise & Speed Maps @ 28-32 °C – 230V

The only difference with the 115V fan speed profile is that the semi-passive operation lasts slightly longer.

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10 thoughts on “Montech Titan PLA 1200W ATX v3.1 PSU Review

  1. Would you consider reviewing some of the sama psus like black diamond, black hole, XP, and even the new upcoming GT series? When they’re in stock they’re at incredible prices, and my buddy who’s working on a psu database says some of their electrical performance is debatably a tier.

  2. Are there any notable safety concerns when using this as compared to a better reviewed 1200W-1300W PSU with a MSI RTX 5090 SUPRIM SOC?

    I already purchased this PSU (felt it was good as it is a Seasonic OEM and there are also very few white PSUs at >1200W)

    However I am now concerned after reading the cons listed in this review, and might switch to the [ASRock Taichi TC-1300T] or [Lian Li Edge Gold/Plat 1200W/1300W] if it would improve safety levels

    1. Look at the protection features table, everything you need to know is on this page.

      I liked the Taichi units, FSP is trying hard to make them highly competitive.

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