FSP VITA GM 1000W ATX v3.1 PSU Review

Load Regulation

Test 12V 5V 3.3V 5VSB DC/AC (Watts) Efficiency Fan Speed (RPM) PSU Noise (dB[A]) Temps (In/Out) PF/AC Volts
10% 6.458A 1.966A 1.965A 0.987A 99.998 88.886% 741 16.6 40.22°C 0.97
12.140V 5.087V 3.358V 5.065V 112.501 40.79°C 114.87V
20% 13.934A 2.954A 2.955A 1.187A 199.949 91.584% 744 16.7 40.53°C 0.975
12.132V 5.078V 3.35V 5.054V 218.324 42.36°C 114.84V
30% 21.770A 3.451A 3.455A 1.388A 300.006 92.226% 746 16.8 41.16°C 0.972
12.125V 5.071V 3.344V 5.043V 325.293 44.34°C 114.82V
40% 29.572A 3.95A 3.957A 1.59A 399.565 92.002% 812 18.4 41.65°C 0.976
12.118V 5.064V 3.336V 5.033V 434.301 47.3°C 114.79V
50% 37.057A 4.945A 4.958A 1.793A 499.285 91.647% 904 21.4 42.06°C 0.979
12.111V 5.056V 3.328V 5.021V 544.79 49.59°C 114.74V
60% 44.617A 5.945A 5.964A 1.996A 599.818 91.068% 1152 29 42.81°C 0.981
12.103V 5.047V 3.32V 5.01V 658.641 51.42°C 114.7V
70% 52.124A 6.948A 6.976A 2.201A 699.555 90.394% 1178 29.1 43.42°C 0.983
12.095V 5.038V 3.312V 4.998V 773.899 53.76°C 114.67V
80% 59.706A 7.952A 7.993A 2.305A 799.559 89.657% 1310 32.1 43.97°C 0.986
12.087V 5.029V 3.303V 4.989V 891.794 56.5°C 114.63V
90% 67.635A 8.462A 8.495A 2.409A 899.373 88.895% 1520 36.3 44.09°C 0.987
12.078V 5.022V 3.296V 4.981V 1011.75 58.16°C 114.59V
100% 75.376A 8.973A 9.03A 3.026A 999.366 87.985% 1906 42.4 45.09°C 0.987
12.069V 5.014V 3.289V 4.957V 1135.845 58.66°C 114.55V
110% 83.070A 9.988A 10.148A 3.03A 1099.976 86.997% 2307 47.9 46.6°C 0.988
12.058V 5.005V 3.282V 4.95V 1264.39 59.53°C 114.51V
CL1 0.116A 11.901A 11.905A 0A 101.302 84.947% 914 21.6 42.28°C 0.973
12.147V 5.058V 3.335V 5.093V 119.253 52.1°C 114.87V
CL2 0.115A 19.768A 0A 0A 101.358 83.532% 878 20.3 41°C 0.972
12.147V 5.057V 3.339V 5.094V 121.341 48.55°C 114.88V
CL3 0.114A 0A 19.782A 0A 67.401 78.944% 794 17.9 39.78°C 0.962
12.145V 5.066V 3.337V 5.093V 85.381 45.96°C 114.89V
CL4 82.854A 0A 0A 0.001A 1000.022 88.611% 1842 42.1 45.05°C 0.987
12.070V 5.039V 3.309V 5.045V 1128.562 57.91°C 114.55V

Load regulation is within 1% at 12V but loose on the minor rails.

Ripple Suppression

Test 12V 5V 3.3V 5VSB Pass/Fail
10% Load 14.2 mV 12.5 mV 13.1 mV 13.3 mV Pass
20% Load 14.4 mV 11.3 mV 11.9 mV 13.9 mV Pass
30% Load 12.7 mV 21.1 mV 20.5 mV 15.9 mV Pass
40% Load 11.1 mV 18.9 mV 16.5 mV 13.8 mV Pass
50% Load 12.6 mV 12.9 mV 13.3 mV 16.4 mV Pass
60% Load 12.4 mV 12.0 mV 14.3 mV 16.4 mV Pass
70% Load 13.4 mV 13.1 mV 15.2 mV 17.4 mV Pass
80% Load 13.4 mV 15.1 mV 16.8 mV 19.1 mV Pass
90% Load 12.7 mV 11.7 mV 13.8 mV 17.0 mV Pass
100% Load 22.9 mV 16.2 mV 21.4 mV 24.8 mV Pass
110% Load 24.0 mV 18.1 mV 21.6 mV 26.4 mV Pass
Crossload 1 22.0 mV 15.3 mV 15.5 mV 10.9 mV Pass
Crossload 2 15.6 mV 16.9 mV 13.2 mV 10.5 mV Pass
Crossload 3 13.9 mV 9.9 mV 13.5 mV 10.3 mV Pass
Crossload 4 22.8 mV 17.1 mV 19.5 mV 20.3 mV Pass

Ripple suppression is good overall.

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25 thoughts on “FSP VITA GM 1000W ATX v3.1 PSU Review

  1. Hi! I’m right before PSU purchase and i went into a dillema. I can buy for the same price this FSP VIVO GM or Thermaltake Toughpower GF3. Both 1000W of course. Which do you think will be better pick?

  2. In this review it’s stated that it’s a good psu if you get it below msrp. I would be able to get the 1000w unit for just around 100€. Is there anything better in this price class or should just get it?

  3. hello 🙂

    in the description is stated it is a “Platinum certified” PSU, but in the image and the official website you can only see “Gold certification” 🤔

  4. What exactly means “terrible” fan? Is it about the noice it produces or about it’s overall reliability and term of service?

  5. Hey, thank you very much for your informative and professional reviews. I’ve found a lot of useful information on this site, and it’s clear that you know what you’re doing. I’m currently using this power supply, but I’ve also had several other ATX 3.0 / 3.1 power supplies in the past, from Corsair and Superflower.

    I’ve had and still have the following problem with all of them: I hear a static high-pitched noise that drives me crazy. With some power supplies, it even hurts my ears. I have very good hearing and seem to be very sensitive to this. I’m slowly getting desperate. Either the problem lies with the wiring in my apartment, or I can’t handle this LLC switching. I’ve already swapped motherboards, tried different cables, power strips with filters—I’m at a loss. Can you recommend a power supply between 850 and 1000 watts that has good filters and produces little to no noise during operation? And yes, you’re right, the fan on that FSP is terrible 🙂

      1. Thanks for the tip. At the beginning of the year, I had a BeQuiet Pure Power 850, and it was absolute garbage. The fan wobbled, there was noticeable coil whine—much worse than what I’m currently dealing with—and the cables were terrible: sharp-edged and not particularly well-fitting. I remember struggling for about 30 minutes just to plug in the 24-pin motherboard cable, almost destroying the motherboard in the process. The 12V high-power cable was so stiff that I couldn’t close my big tower anymore, and when I tried to plug in the other side, the connector on the PSU itself got pushed inward. I remember it so well because I thought to myself, ‘Never again BeQuiet.

        I’m not exactly rich or anything, so spending €300 on a power supply, especially when I’ve only got a 13600K in my system, is a bit too much for me. Do you maybe have another alternative recommendation?

        1. Pure Power is the low-end from be quiet! Look typically Corsair and Super Flower are the best in this section, if you tell me that you had issues with them too, not many other brands remain to suggest. It is more like a trial and error case then.

          1. You’re probably right; I’ve come to the same conclusion. Maybe the problem lies elsewhere, but I just can’t figure it out. Superflower has been the best in every respect so far.

          2. Can you recommend a good, quiet, and smooth-running fan for the power supply? I believe it’s 120mm. I noticed that the connector is two-pin.

          3. You should use a fan that cover’s the PSU’s needs, not just a random fan. Also the two pin connector, you will have to install it on the new fan.

  6. I saw somewhere a presentation of this power supply and analysis of the interior, as Bulk Caps there was Toshin Kogyo (450V 680uF 105*C).
    In your case I see nippon is it possible that you got a better sample or FSP released a revision in such a short time and all VITA GM units have caps from Nippon Chemicon?

    I realize that both are Japanese capacitors, but still Chemicon is famous for being more reliable than TK.

    This presentation also said: “There are Elite capacitors on the rectifier.”

    Greetings and thanks for the test.

    1. Everything is possible, unfortunately, but the fact is that “Japanese” caps don’t offer better performance. Still, they do keep their good performance longer, so for a review’s purpose, they don’t affect the overall performance significantly.
      For me the main issue is the fan.

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