Discord is undoubtedly one of the most popular apps, especially for gamers. Its simplicity and user-friendly UI make it almost a necessary feature for gamers who want to take it to the next level. However, like all popular apps, it has its bugs and security flaws. But recently, Reddit and Tech Forum users reported quite an annoying bug. Some Nvidia card owners noticed a performance drop of up to 200MHz, while they had Discord active.


News spread to the tech community, and Nvidia acknowledged the issue quickly. A temporary fix was suggested by the green tech giant to address the issue. Its response was almost instant and promised a newer update for the issue will soon be available. Discord took action too, and released a workaround update. Nvidia recently released the update. We recommend updating your GPU drivers for the fix to be applied. Nvidia 4000 series owners don’t seem to be affected by the issue, but the 3000 and 2000 series are. The best you can do is install the latest GPU drivers and stimulate your gaming experience, as you always did.

Things like these could happen, but Discord and Nvidia responded quickly to address the issue. We wish problems wouldn’t exist, but this is just not possible. The best we can do is hope whenever problems occur, companies take action shortly. And this article’s matter is an excellent example of how it should be. So, game on.

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