GALAX GeForce RTX 5070 1-Click OC Performance, Power Analysis & Noise Output

Box & Contents

The box has black-themed graphics and is sturdy enough to protect the graphics card. Internally, packing foam surrounds the product.

The package includes the following:

  • PCIe 1x 16-pin to 2x 8-pin adapter
  • Documentation

I suggest avoiding adaptors and buying a PSU with a native 12+4 pin connector especially for energy hungry GPUs (RTX 5080 and 5090). Remember, the 12+4 pin connector cable between ATX v3.0 and v3.1 PSUs remains the same. Only the header changes if the PSU uses a native 12+4 pin header instead of 2x 8-pin ones.

Product Photos

I thought the Galax RTX 5070 Ti was small, but this is even smaller, using a notably smaller cooling system. It uses a lower TDP GPU, which doesn’t require a monstrous cooling solution.

The graphics card draws power through a 12V-2×6 header.

The available display ports are three DP 2.1b and a single HDMI 2.1b.

Some more photos of the graphics card.

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One thought on “GALAX GeForce RTX 5070 1-Click OC Performance, Power Analysis & Noise Output

  1. Aris for 5090 what should i’ve consider FSP MEGA TI 1350 or FSP Hydro PTM Pro 3.1 1350, with the MEGA TI one should have Pre Ordered for 1 month ?

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