GALAX GeForce RTX 5070 1-Click OC Performance, Power Analysis & Noise Output

Clock Speeds

The charts below show the average GPU clock speeds in various usage scenarios.


I dialed up to the maximum possible for the GPU’s boost clock and 32202 MHz (+2104 MT/s) for the VRAM, the top allowed by GPU Tweak and the maximum permitted boost clock. I also allowed for a 3% increase in the power target. I didn’t mess with GPU voltage because I noticed some issues when I did.

GPU & RAM Clocks

The following charts lack the clock, power, and temperature readings for overclocking because I forgot to fire up Powenetics during these sessions. I will re-run these tests when I have the chance.

Operating Temperatures

There is no temperature difference between stock and OC speeds because the power consumption difference is low, and the cooling system is competent managing effectively the GPU’s thermal load.

Power Consumption

The power consumption difference between standard and overclocked modes is low since the card already operates at the limit of 12V-2×6, but the total power consumption reading is high.

Overclock Gain

An OC gain of almost 14% is significant!

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One thought on “GALAX GeForce RTX 5070 1-Click OC Performance, Power Analysis & Noise Output

  1. Aris for 5090 what should i’ve consider FSP MEGA TI 1350 or FSP Hydro PTM Pro 3.1 1350, with the MEGA TI one should have Pre Ordered for 1 month ?

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