OEM Laser Projection Keyboard Review: Is It Worth It?


A laser projection keyboard sounds like the ideal gadget for tech enthusiasts. This might be true for more expensive ones. The one reviewed is ideal only for decor and nothing more. If you want a solid keyboard, this product is not for you. It is not handy and is more of a hassle than anything else. So, unfortunately, I can’t recommend this keyboard at all. There are better gadgets to spend your hard-earned money on.

Verdict: Avoid it at all costs as your main keyboard.


( 0 is the minimum, 5 is the maximum )

  • Overall Performance: 2 / 5
  • Typing: 2 / 5
  • Value for Money: 2 / 5
  • Compatibility: 3 / 5
  • Battery: 4 / 5
  • Connectivity: 2.5 / 5
  • Quality: 2.5 / 5
  • Usage Experience: 1 / 5
  • Compatible with Android, Windows, iOS, and Blackberry devices
  • Battery life
  • Attractive design
  • Bad overall performance, especially in typing
  • Connectivity issues
  • Low Quality
  • The charger is not included
  • Not so cheap
  • Avoid it at all costs as your main keyboard
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