The Story Behind Cybenetics: Past, Present & Future

The Start of Cybenetics

Somewhere in 2016, I was so full of issues that I found in the 80 PLUS methodology that I emailed them and offered to help improve it. People trusted 80 PLUS certification levels, but the truth was that its methodology wasn’t good enough to “catch” the serious issues that I usually found in my reviews. So, I thought that I could lend them some parts of my methodology to improve it. I remember I got pissed when 80 PLUS didn’t even bother to reply to me, although I used my Tom’s Hardware PSU reviewer capacity, which supposedly meant a lot back then. At first, I wrote an article about 80 PLU deficiencies. Then, I decided to start my certification program, although I knew this would be tough, and many of my colleagues told me I would fail eventually. But this got me even more focused on my goal.

Linus Sebastian, the famous YouTuber, talks on his Techquickie channel about ATX v.3.0 and Cybenetics.

In the Tom’s Hardware article that they posted in January 2017 (I had it delivered more than a month ago, before its release date), I mentioned the following:

The major downsides of the 80 PLUS program can be broken down into the following:

    • Small number of measurements in order to classify a PSU into one of its categories.
    • The methodology allows for manufacturers to submit golden samples.
    • Very low ambient temperature at which the measurements are conducted.
    • It doesn’t measure the standby power consumption (vampire power), which is essential to the European market, where all PSUs should comply with the ErP Lot 6 and ErP Lot 3 directives.
    • It doesn’t take into account the 5VSB rail’s efficiency.
    • There is no clear mention of testing equipment. Moreover, the certification reports don’t follow any ISO standard, which is the de facto when it comes to certification reports.
    • 80 PLUS doesn’t effectively deal with fake efficiency badges.
    • No noise testing scheme.

I soon found more issues, about 80 PLUS, which are even worse than the ones listed in my original article.

After 80 PLUS ignored my email about how I could help them improve their deficient methodology, I had only one way to proceed: create my own standard and a new company that would embrace it. This company was Cybenetics. I spent lots of time finding a suitable name, but I think I nailed that in the end!

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4 thoughts on “The Story Behind Cybenetics: Past, Present & Future

  1. Από το thelab?!

    Με πηγές πολλά χρόνια πίσω. Διάβαζα τότε τα ποστ (στο worklog?) και το θαύμαζα.

  2. Hi Aris and team,
    As a PC building lover, cybenetics and hwbusters have been a great help for me and other people I have recommended to, especially on your PSU reviews and Fan Case reviews.
    I just know this website and channel not long ago. Looking up for a proper, standardized, and comparable data sheet from a 3rd party is not something you can find easily for a PSUs. Since I already dive deep into this hwbusters and cybenetics I’ll try to spread the words to some other community I know.

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