AMD Ryzen 9 9950x CPU Review: Performance, Thermals & Power Analysis

Max Operating Temperature (Blender)

To check the operating temperatures, I run Blender instead of Prime95 and small FFTs, which apply an unrealistically high load to the CPU.

The max operating temperature is set at 95°C, but as shown in the graph above, I was notably below that with a good air cooler. The improved heat spreader and the lower thermal resistance between it and the CPU’s die led to these results. So even with a high-end cooler and not an AIO, as AMD suggests, you can keep the 9950x at low enough temperatures under full load.

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One thought on “AMD Ryzen 9 9950x CPU Review: Performance, Thermals & Power Analysis

  1. Is the Noctua NH-D15 G2, with good ventilation, enough for the full potential of the AMD Ryzen 9 9950X?

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