Before we proceed with what we were asked to do and how we will do it, I should first discuss the safety capacitors, what they
Category: Freestyle

MANY thanks to for its kind support!! I posted about a flight simulator project we were working on about a month ago. It is finally completed

Great Discount Digital Key Marketplaces (GDDKM). Places where games, Windows keys, etc. could be purchased relatively cheaply. The places that sound like fairylands to those

Are you looking for an upgrade or a new build? Do you think it is time for your poor 3rd Gen Core i3 Processor and

ABOUT Hellenic IT Museum® Hellenic IT Museum®, the biggest IT Museum in Southeast Europe, started its operations in 2008. Since 2012 the Museum has constituted

Can you imagine how different the tech industry would have been without open-source solutions? I wouldn’t even imagine, and I wouldn’t like to either. Open

Disclaimer: This article is written to express my point of view, based on my personal experience and comprehension of the things I deal with. It

Comicdom CON (established by Comicdom Press) is one of the most well-regarded annual cultural festivals in Athens. It is free to join and offers a

You decided to buy a new product. This might be a smartphone, a notebook, a TV, a fridge, whatever you want. Purchasing a product from

Planned obsolescence is a term that might sound conspiratorial, but it is not. Markets and trading need a cycle of buying and selling to keep